Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Barataria Preserve

Jean Lafitte National Park was such an incredible experience! Beautiful, lush untouched swamp land for miles and miles.  It was so dense we had to really stand still and look for all the ridiculously awesome creatures that live there.  I think you could go back daily and it would always be a different experience each time.
 Throughout the park there were wood decks built over the water so you're walking right through the middle of the swamp.

We were told to watch out for stinging caterpillars
Hundreds of Dragonflys flying all around, some even landing on us.  They felt like the fairies of the forest.
Tons of frogs and tadpoles in the water, which Harlow loved!
Giant Carpenter Ants
Harlow and I call Louisiana Land of the Lizard, they run this place
If you look super close you can see a Ribbon Snake
See his little head?
The highlight and biggest reason people come here are to spot Alligators in their natural habitat.  We found one before the mosquitos began to eat us alive
Lubber Grasshopper HUGE
These spiders were everywhere and I was desperate to get a good picture of one.   They're Banana Spiders and so MASSIVE!!!  I saw one eating a dragonfly.

Some guy at the Insectarium said he loves to pull them out of their webs and play with them.  He told us they build the strongest web in the species.  It freaked me out because the webs were so low I was almost running into them.  Could you imagine this guy just hanging out on your face? Nooooooooo  Or better yet Jason had Harlow on his shoulder, I could have easily looked up to find one of these spiders cruising along on the back of her head.  I told Jason if we go back I'll hold one, you know because I'm a bad ass and all.
Soo we'll probably never go back ;)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Home in Uptown New Orleans

I'm in love!  Head over heels in love.  So much in love that I decided the only way to revel in my feelings, is to start the blog again.  Here I can rave on and on about how crazy in love I am over this magnificent city instead of posting one line status updates on Facebook that don't give you the full effect.  Oh no I'm gonna prove it, I'm gonna show you, you'll see just why I should sell my house in Burbank and probably buy one here right?

Since the Redfin app doesn't work in New Orleans, Zillow will have to do for now.  
What....?   I'm just looking.

It's not like this is our first time here, we spent a couple months in New Orleans when Harlow was only 3 months old.  But last time we lived in a hotel close to the French Quarter.  This time we did it right, Uptown!  Three houses from the street car (don't call it a trolley people get offended) on St. Charles. 
Street Car (Not a Trolley)
Our house is fantastic!  I was slightly disappointed that we didn't rent some amazing Victorian or a super old shotgun house from the 1800's.  Could you imagine owning a home that old?  Ghosts.  That's my first and only thought.

Our House

Notice that it's raised?  Just in case a hurricane or flood happens, we'll be safe.  Not sure about the guy that lives in the basement under the house though...sorry guy.

 Here's a quick tour.   I'm a mother of two with a 15 month old glued to my leg right now so the inadequate blurry photos will have to do...

Living Room
Kids Room

French doors to patio


Our Room

Master Bathroom

Living Room


Master Bedroom

And there she is, our home till Christmas.  Tons of character and lots of space.  I already have so many things to blog about, I hope you'll tune in for more on my new boyfriend, New Orleans.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Signing off from Romania with Dracula

We made it, the film has wrapped and the clan is headed home on a 14 hour flight back to Los Angeles tomorrow.  Neither Jason or I can actually believe it's over, we're still in shock.  It's been a long time away from home and it will be interesting to see how we adjust back in the states.

I'm dedicating my last post from Europe to Romania.  Our trip to see the castles!

The first Castle we saw, Rasnov Fortress was probably twice as cool because everything was covered in snow.

It was quite a trek to the top and with little legs it was taking forever so I tried to strap her to my back but that just resulted in a major tantrum.  It's not always easy or pleasant sight seeing with a toddler, ohhhh Miss Harlow.

I love when the trees have just a couple inches of white snow to outline them, so pretty.
Entrance gate

View from the top
Smiling girl, after she saw a little black puppy.

The second castle we visited was the famous Bran Castle home of Dracula, or at least one of the castles that have been linked to him.

The view from town.
The town was super cute too.
This castle was absolutely gorgeous inside and out.
How much do you love that red little shed on the side there?

The entrance had this beautiful script painted on the front wall above the light fixture.
This amazing cross was also at the entrance.
the knocker was so heavy
View of the courtyard, everything outside and inside was accented with dark wood.
Check out this amazing water well in the courtyard, I was obsessed with it!

There was this secret passageway in the living room that super duper tiny your arms touch the walls as you climb through it.  Not the best place to be if you don't like confined spaces, uh um, yeah that's me.

Ohhh I loved this guy carved into the dinning room table.
View from the top
I can't remember what this way but it was pretty.

I have a ton more pictures of the castle but I'm sure you're getting bored right?

I did want to show you one last thing though, a little restaurant that we stopped into to use the restroom.

Crazy right?

Well the adventure is over and while I'm sad to leave, I'm so happy to be returning home. But I have one question for those who actually read this blog.  Should I continue to post back in LA?  I'm not sure anyone will want to read this anymore without all the cool locations we've been touring.  Who knows maybe we'll be leaving soon for another adventure somewhere, but in the mean time let me know if I should keep this up? Please, seriously let me know.

Goodbye beautiful adventure in Europe, for my first time here we pretty much rocked it!!!
