Friday, January 7, 2011

Schonbrunn Palace

There was so much to see at the Schonbrunn Palace in Vienna including one of the oldest zoos in the world.  We spent the entire day there and didn't even get through half.  It's a remarkable building with the most beautiful grounds, although snow covered much of it but I bet during the summer its extraordinary.  

The entrance courtyard had a Christmas market set up where we were able to enjoy homemade rum and hot chocolate, it tasted a bit like gasoline but it was cold outside so the burn in your throat when you swallowed was kind of nice.

We took one of the tours that walked you through 30 of the 1441 rooms in the palace.  They were all furnished and we had portable audio guides that provided the history of each section.  It was exquisite but unfortunately they didn't allow any cameras inside so I can't share it with you but if you're interested in royal history the stories are fascinating!  

After the tour we walked the garden where a lot of the sculptures were covered to protect them from the elements.

Here are several photos

The way the sun was breaking through the fog and clouds made everything look very surreal, it was lovely.  I wish we would have taken more photos but we both get so caught up and well I'm a terrible photographer.

Hope you enjoyed.



  1. I love love love reading about your adventures Michelle! Happy New Year and thank you for sharing it ALL with us! You and your family look absolutely beautiful! XO

  2. Diane!! I miss you I hope you're doing well and I can't wait to hear what you've been up to, most likely something fantastic!! I'm glad you're enjoying my rambles on here. Happy happy new year!!!
