Saturday, December 11, 2010

Snow and Farm Animals

We woke up to the most beautiful fluffy snowflakes falling from the sky!  It reminded me of the soap machines they use in Disneyland during Christmas time to make the fake stuff.  We all rushed to put on our warmest coats, hats, boots, gloves and scarves only to get outside and the snow was gone.  It wasn't cold enough on the ground yet for it to stick so we missed it.  I was bummed because I can't wait for Harlow to experience it, I just want to see her face when she steps in snow.  The temperature is super low so it's only a matter of time till it comes and stays.

Harlow and I have been missing our dogs at home so we ventured to a little children's farm just outside of Bucharest.  On the drive out we saw so many stray dogs running by, way more then in the city, and these ones looked more like sheep dogs.  Down one of the alley ways I saw a small puppy sitting there all big and fluffy, he was calling to me I just know it.  It's so hard not to ask the driver to pull over, but honestly what would I really do?  Carry Harlow in one arm and be the crazy lady trying to chase the puppy in this little village?  Then what if I actually got him?  I'll figure a way before I leave, just don't tell Jason.

This place we went to was more like a zoo with farm animals.  They were all fenced in different areas and you could walk by and put your hand in to pet them, well actually I'm not sure if you were allowed to pet them but I did.

It was freezing and the sun went down quickly so my iphone took some pretty crappy pictures.  There were donkeys, mini ponies, chickens, goats, bunnies, pigs and baby cows.  When was the last time you saw a baby cow?  They have such amazing innocent eyes, big old eyelashes, reminded me of the cow on blue bell ice cream or was it blue bonnet something...oh well they were precious.

This picture is so blurry but those big baby cow doe eyes just kill me.

Dan the driver pushing Harlow on a little tractor, I couldn't get her off.

Harlow chasing a chicken around.  They had those chicken that look like they have white furry boots on, man I'd love to raise one or any chick for that matter.

I took so many more pictures but all of them are terrible, really need to get the camera from Jason or just learn how to carry the big one around.  I don't trust myself with the big one though, not miss oh let's just rest expensive electronic right on top of the stroller and then forget and start pushing, oops.

I'm slowly learning how to dress Harlow for the winter weather properly, the colder it get the more I pile on her, poor thing is beginning to look like the kid who couldn't put his arms down in The Christmas Story.

All is well here, a little over two more months to go and we'll be home.  Time is flying by!!
Love to everyone


  1. Hi Michelle,
    Nice and interesting blog you've got! It's interesting to see Romania thru the eyes of a visitor :) I'm writing here because I couldn't find an email address.
    If you want to find out a bit more about Romania you can go to Facebook and search for "Vacanta in Romania (Vacation in Romania)". Every destination has an English explanation too; or the link:!/pages/Vacanta-in-Romania-Vacation-in-Romania/149005791789722
    About Bucharest now: our company edited a touristic guide called "4 Days in Bucharest" (,%20Ghidul%20Turistic%20al%20Bucurestiului.html) and I would have liked to give you few copies of this guide, as a Christmas gift if you don't mind :) But I don't know how to get in touch with you. So, I'll give you my email address ( and hope to be able to give you these guides because there are many more places to see in Bucharest.
    Sincerely, Razvan

  2. The shifty eyes peeking out from the bundling in the second to last picture are sheer perfection.

  3. Hahahah poor thing can barely move with all the layers on!

  4. Razvan,

    I got the guides thank you thank you thank you!!!!
    I'll be sure to follow them and post about our adventures.
